Événement terminé

17 H 15 À 21 H 15



premier souper-conférence de la saison 

Lors de ce premier souper-conférence de la saison, tous les participants pourront se prévaloir du prix spécial réservé habituellement aux membres lors de l’inscription à l’événement. Profitez de l’occasion pour amener vos collègues, clients et amis et leur faire découvrir le chapitre de Montréal.




Cette conférence sera présentée en anglais seulement.

Smart pumps that utilize “Demand Based Pump Controls”are becoming the nextgeneration of energy efficient pumps, as they are capable of providing 30% to 80% energy savings, depending on their application.

These pumps have become increasingly popular in the design of hydronic systems for LEED buildings.

As the terminology implies, smart pumps are dependent on the demand required by the condo or commercial building’s hydronic systems (toilet flushing, showers, sinks, etc.)

In contrast with constant speed pumps working at full capacity, smart pumps modulate depending on the demand required by the building’s control systems, reducing energy consumption.

This technical conference will present an ingenious concept based on affinity laws, in which smart pumps will function without the assistance of external sensors that measure flow fluctuations and pressure in the hydronic system. As all controls are integrated into these pumps, this “integrated intelligence” reduces the probability of faulty wiring between different components leads to pump installation savings. These pumps offer flexible connectivity with different protocols such as Modbus, BACnet, Ethernet and Wifi.



Marcelo Acosta


Marcelo Acosta, ing., M. Ing.,PMP, PA LEED  
Membre du comité ASHRAE TC1.4

Directeur Ingénierie de contrôles
Armstrong Fluid Technology

Marcelo Acosta P Eng, PMP, Leed AP is the Global Controls Manager at Armstrong Fluid Technology since 2010, where he is in charge of teams in 3 continents which develop the company’s automation products, sold worldwide. At Armstrong Marcelo has authored patents which are the basis of multiple award winning controls products for pumping stations and chiller plants, including Parallel Sensorless™ and Self-learning Performance Prediction.

Previously, Marcelo worked in Building Control Systems integration and Building Energy Efficiency for 14 years, with projects in the Americas and Europe. This included working for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, ensuring the venues and residences design and execution were a showcase of state-of-the-art energy efficiency. Marcelo currently co-chairs the ASHRAE Education & YEA subcommittee of TC1.4 (Controls Theory and Applications) and in this role started the Building Automation Wikiversity, a website devoted to the standardization and dissemination of building controls knowledge, where everyone interested can learn and contribute.

Working in ASHRAE Marcelo has edited 3 Handbook chapters, participated in 4 conference seminars and 5 local chapter seminars, and became chair of TC 1.4 since July 2017.




SUJET : Why Buildings Matter and the Role of ASHRAE 90.1

Cette conférence sera présentée en anglais seulement.

As our flagship standard for the minimum energy efficiency for buildings (except low-rise residential) ASHRAE 90.1 represents the Standard of Care for all certifying professionals serving the building industry.  The latest version of that standard, 2013, contains dramatic changes that all certifying professionals should know.  In this lecture, attendees will be provided a renewed perspective on the importance of our buildings. Attendees will be learn about the connections between buildings and their energy use and other social and environmental objectives.  We will discuss peak power, water consumption, carbon emissions and other connected issues.  Attendees will learn about some of the latest changes to 90.1, especially in those critical areas often overlooked by HVAC professionals – the revised building envelope provisions – as well as other changes, and will be challenged to update their knowledge and understanding of the Standard and its role in delivering better buildings. The presenter served 10 years on the 90.1 development committee and remains an active participant in its development.




MC2 - Mathis Consulting Company


R. Christopher “Chris” Mathis has spent the past 30 years focusing on how buildings and building products perform – from energy efficiency to code compliance to sustainability and long-term performance durability.

Chris received his undergraduate degree in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He received a Master of Science in Architecture Studies from MIT where his graduate work focused on energy use in buildings. He has served as a Scientist in the Insulation Technology Laboratory at the Owens-Corning Fiberglas Technical Center, was the Director of the Thermal Testing Laboratory for the National Association of Home Builders Research Center, and Director of Marketing for Architectural Testing, Inc., a private laboratory specializing in the performance of buildings and building products, particularly fenestration performance testing.

Chris is an active participant in Standards and Code development at ASHRAE, NFRC, ASTM and the ICC. He was a founding member and served for four years as the first Director of the National Fenestration Rating Council, the non-profit organization that developed the nation’s energy performance rating and labeling system for windows, doors and skylights.

Chris has been a member and active participant in ASTM committee E06 on Performance of Buildings since 1984. During his tenure at ASTM he has worked on numerous task groups and subcommittees developing a range of standards and test methods addressing window performance, window installation, thermal testing of windows, wall system performance and whole building performance. He currently chairs E06.51.11 addressing window installation standards. He is also a member of committee C16 on Insulation and E60 on Sustainability. Chris currently chairs the Built Environment Advisory Committee at ASTM.

Chris is a 30-year member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). In ASHRAE he has worked on window thermal test standards, national model codes for commercial buildings (ASHRAE 90.1), model codes for residential buildings (ASHRAE 90.2) and is the energy consultant to Standard 189.1 – ASHRAE’s model code for sustainable commercial buildings. He is also the energy consultant to the Chapter Technology Transfer Committee. Chris has been recognized as an ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, conducting seminars on a variety of building science, energy efficiency and sustainability topics across the US and worldwide.

Chris has published numerous technical papers at ASHRAE and presented his work at a variety of national and international conferences. His publications include technical papers on: advanced test methods for insulation materials and wall systems; daylighting design and assessment techniques; off-peak cooling techniques for commercial office buildings; new residential and commercial energy codes; and metrics for environmentally preferable products. He has written numerous engineer-, architect-, builder- and consumer-targeted articles and guides on various building and product performance issues. He is the author of Insulating Guide - a book for home builders providing insulating best practices for many of the most common home building details. He is the co-author of Is Your Home Protected from Water Damage? A Homeowner’s Guide to Water Damage Prevention published by the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety.

Chris has been involved in state and national code development since 1988. He was selected four times to serve on the International Energy Conservation Code Committee of the ICC, working to refine and improve the IECC – our national model energy code. He was also selected to be a member of ICC’s Sustainable Building Technology Committee helping to draft a national model code for sustainable buildings. He served on the ICC’s first Code Development Committee for the International Green Construction Code.

Chris is a member of the Board of Directors of BETEC – the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council, a council of the National Institute of Building Sciences. He also served six years on the Board of Directors of the Energy and Environmental Building Association (EEBA).

Chris provides a number of accredited training seminars for architects, engineers, builders, manufacturers, code officials, utility program developers and others addressing these myriad building science and building performance issues – from improved building energy efficiency and comfort to energy and power planning to improved building and energy codes to the challenges of sustainability and green building. He is a frequent keynote speaker at various national conferences and events.

Chris is also an on-going student of about 90 million years of sustainability and building science through his activities as a beekeeper. He lives and works near the farm he grew up on in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina.










Pompe intelligente Tango, circulateur Compass R et notre logiciel de gestion de performance




Les pompes GRUNDFOS et les échangeurs d’air RenewAire



Chaudières à vapeur et équipements de traitement d'eau (adoucisseurs, produits chimique,...)


Dectron - Systèmes de déshumidification de piscines et autres applications critiques

Vous voulez profiter de la visibilité qu’offrent ces soupers-conférences comme tremplin publicitaire pour votre entreprise, ou encore pour développer un réseau de contact des plus intéressants?

Contactez le comité présentoirs.





  • 17 h 00 à 17 h 30 - Rencontre exclusive des étudiants avec R. Christopher Mathis - Salle St-Denis (2e étage)
  • 17 h 15 à 19 h 00 - Accueil (rez-de-chaussée)
  • 17 h 30 à 19 h 00 - Cocktail et visite des exposants - Salon Midway (rez-de-chaussée)
  • 17 h 45 - Conférence technique – Salle St-Denis (2e étage)
  • 18 h 30 - Cocktail et visite des exposants - Salon Midway (rez-de-chaussée)
  • 19 h 00 - Souper et mot du président ASHRAE chapitre de Montréal, Simon Khaled – Salle St-Denis (2e étage)
  • 20 h 00 - Conférence principale – Salle St-Denis (2e étage)



  • Soupe du moment
  • Contre-filet de veau de grain glacé à l’érable et moutarde, polenta crémeuse à la courge musquée

  • Forêt noire
  • Café, thé 


Veuillez nous aviser de toute allergie ou intolérance alimentaire lors de l’inscription.


TARIFICATION (taxes incluses)


  • Membre ASHRAE Montréal (chapitre) : 70 $
  • Membre à vie ASHRAE ayant payé leur cotisation au chapitre : 40 $
  • Étudiant à temps plein et membre ASHRAE (Société) : 22 $

Forfaits exclusifs aux membres  (professionnels – saison 2017-2018)

En savoir +

Forfait exclusif aux membres étudiants (saison 2017-2018)

En savoir + 


  • Non-membre : 100 $ - spécial  septembre à 70$
  • Étudiant à temps plein, non-membre ASHRAE (avec preuve) : 27 $ -  spécial  septembre à 22$
  • Membre ASPE : 80 $ -spécial  septembre à 70$

Devenir membre 
c'est très avantageux! 



1145, Avenue Union, Montréal (Québec)  H3B 3C2
(coin boul. René-Lévesque Ouest)
T : 514 866-7474

Code vestimentaire : Le Club St-James exige une tenue d'affaires décontractée (jeans ou tenue de sport ne sont pas acceptés), la majorité des participants se présentent avec une tenue de ville (habit et cravate).

Certificat : Un certificat de participation attestant 1,75 heures de formation continue sera envoyé par courriel sur place aux participants présents. Assurez-vous de l’avoir avant la sortie.